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You walk down the aisles of your drug store or grocery and you’re face to face with chocolate, heart-shaped marshmallows, bonbons, truffles, and any seasonal candy that just might help you say I love you

The sturdy design and the vast Bühler roller know-how give you precise and consistent particle sizes in your final refining process. The targeted particle size with a narrow particle-size distribution generates the mouthfeel you want and simplifies flow properties for consistent end products.

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Physically, chocolate mass is a suspension of particles in a continuous phase of liquid fat. Downstream when producing bitiş products for the consumer, fat crystallisation is initiated and the mass is forced into the desired shape and solidifies. These steps are not considered here, although many properties of the final product gönül be predicted by measurable properties of the still liquid chocolate mass.

Vertical ball mills for chocolate refining, are perfect for making cocoa products with its integrated system of a pre-mixer and ball-mill refiner.

The hygienic process zone is constructed entirely in stainless steel, without edges or open cavities, offering you the highest quality sanitation and making it fast and easy to clean between batches.

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Water inside a twin-shell coat ensures heating and keeping temperature of chocolate mass constant. Chocolate melting tank is used to melt solid chocolate and store the liquid chocolate in constant temperature and homogenous structure.

Schmidt continues to operate with a core focus on producing high quality products and solutions for customers within the schedule required.

Our services and training are designed to keep you up to date on products and technologies, giving you the confidence and experience you need.

Think carefully about your needs in terms of product properties, taste, flow properties, economy and flexibility

In this series of short videos we're hoping to start you asking questions or give you jumping off points for deeper research. A great place to go sınav your assumptions and maybe pick up some ready to use tips!

With a bit of patience and the right equipment, you yaşama create fantastic chocolate with optimal taste and a smooth texture that will impress your customers and friends alike. So, whether you’re a seasoned cook or professional chocolate producer, consider investing in a chocolate refiner to take your Chocolate STORAGE TANK chocolate creations to the next level.

Very often an emulsifier is used to improve flow of hygroscopic particles within the continuous fat phase. During production several incidents occur:

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